Brief Introduction of School of Foreign Languages

作者: 时间:2022-06-29 点击数:

School of Foreign Languages, formerly known as Foreign Language Teaching Center, was founded in 2013. With the approval of the Ministry of Education in 2019, the enrollment of English major undergraduates started from the autumn of 2020. The goal of our School is to cultivate high-quality, versatile and practical talents with broad international vision, humanistic quality and good knowledge of both Chinese and Western culture.

School of Foreign Languages has Integrated Office, Teaching and Research Office, Student Affairs Office (Youth League General Branch), Language Lab and three Teaching and Research Departments, undertaking all the specialized courses for English majors, college English and Japanese compulsory courses, and some related optional courses.

The total number of staff is 39, 32 of whom are teachers with 3 professors, 7 associate professors and 22 lecturers. Since the founding of our School, remarkable progress has been made. 1 National Online First-class Course, 1 Provincial First-class Teaching Team (still cultivating), 1 Provincial First-class Course (still cultivating), 1 University-level Key Course, and 1 University-level High-quality Video Resource Sharing Course have been successfully built. Two High-quality Online Video Courses, “Know Before You Go: Culture of ‘The Belt and Road’ Countries” and “Campus English”, designed and produced by our teachers, have been launched on websites: and “Know Before You Go: Culture of ‘The Belt and Road’ Countries” has been selected as one of the National Online First-class Courses in 2019.

School of Foreign Languages has set up 27 language labs, 15 at Caijiaguan Campus and 12 at Gui’an Campus, covering an area of 2,514 m² with a seating capacity of 1712 and teaching equipment worth 9 million yuan. The capacity and equipment standard all meet the national requirement and can easily fulfill the needs of college English teaching in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and so on.

These years, with the focus on English discipline construction and teaching reform, School of Foreign Languages has been carrying out reform and innovation on fostering students’ competence of language and self-learning ability, aiming at comprehensively improving English teaching quality and cultivating versatile talents with capability of intercultural communication.


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